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发布时间:2007/12/3 14:08:52 来源:xue.net 编辑:城市学习网


请看外电相关报道:Paris Hilton will be issued her get-out-of jail card on Tuesday after spending almost 3 1/2 weeks in the slammer.

The 26-year-old Hilton, who was sentenced to 45 days in jail for violating her probation in an alcohol-related reckless driving case, surrendered on June 3. Sheriff Lee Baca released her to electronically monitored house arrest on June 7. Her sentencing judge, who had specifically barred Hilton from house arrest, ordered her to court the next day and returned the sobbing hotel heiress to jail.

报道中的“house arrest”指的就是“(本宅)软禁”,而“electronically monitored house arrest”则强调被软禁者须戴上“电子监控装置”。如果您看过Desperate wife(《绝望主妇》),想必对这种服刑方式不会陌生,剧中Gabrielle的丈夫就因“受电子监控在家软禁”而遭受妻子的凌辱。

用法上,“house arrest”常和介词“under”搭配,如a prison under house arrest(被软禁在家的囚犯)。
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