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发布时间:2007/12/3 15:36:28 来源:xue.net 编辑:城市学习网

There are a few rotten apples out there. 一些老鼠屎坏了一锅粥。

    You can take the sting out of raising a Scorpio. 你可以让养天蝎座小孩的过程好过一些。

    They're going to tie the knot. 他们将结为连理。

    She laid it on the line. 对此事她直言以告。

    She challenges the old boys' network. 她向旧势力挑战。

    Getting the acknowledgement and respect they deserve has been an uphill battle for many native peoples. 对很多原住居民而言,获取他们应得的那份认可与尊敬是一场艰苦的战争。

    Nick got through the Pearly Gates. 尼克上天堂了。

    Christmas can cost a pretty penny. 圣诞节的花费很多。

    They help make it less of a dog's life. 他们帮忙改善生活。

    Stay young at heart. 保持赤子之心。

    Sometimes you must close your eyes to the grammar check.



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