Unit 9
coterminous a.毗连的;有共同边界的 [也写作contermious, con+term边界,结束;terminate结束]
couch n.床;睡椅;麦牙糖 [var of QUITCH =quitch grass 茅草]
counterfeit a.n.v.假冒的;伪作;骗子 [countrefet, -fait, pp. of contrefaire]
countermand v.撤回;取消 [contremander contramandare(CONTRA-,mandare order)]
counterpart n.相对物;极相似之物 [counterpane(装饰用的)床罩,床单 counterpiston 逆活塞]
coupling n.联结;联合体
covenant n.契约;盟约 [ pres part of co(n)venir, formed as CONVENE召集;集合]
covert a.暗地的;隐藏的 [ covert of covrir COVER]
covetous a.贪婪的 [coveitous Gallo-Roman be ~ of another person's]
property 贪图他人财产
cower v.畏缩;退缩 [kuren lie in wait COW 恐吓;威胁]
coxcomb n.纨裤子弟;花花公子[鸡冠花(cockscomb)= cock's comb(see COCK), orig(a cap worn by)a]
jester(尤指中世纪王侯、贵族所豢 养的)小丑,弄臣
coy a.害羞的
cozen v.欺骗 [16th-c perh rel to COUSIN 堂兄弟(姊妹) cozen a person of (out of)something=~ something of (out of) a] [person 骗取某人的某物 cozenage 欺骗,哄骗]
cozy a.温暖而舒适的 [同COSY a ~ little restaurant 舒适雅致的小餐厅 cozy up to aperson(美口语)博取<某人>的欢心, 好]<[某人>]
crabbed a.乖戾的;暴躁的 [CRAB, assoc with CRAB 蟹]
cracker n.爆竹,摔爆;一种装有糖果
cram v.填塞;仓促用功 [crammian cramming adj]
cranky a.胡思乱想的;发疯的 [perh obs crank rogue feigning sickness CRANK曲柄;弯曲,虚浮的委婉话]
crass a.粗鲁的;愚蠢的 [ crassus solid, thick]
craven a.懦弱的 [ crepare burst;assim to ]
crease n.v.皱痕;(使)起皱痕
credence n.相信 [credentia credere believe]
credo n.信条 [= I believe]
credulity n.轻信;易信 [ credulus credere believe]
creed n.教义;信条 [ creda CREDO]
creek n.小湾;小溪 [kreke(or crike by lengthening)]
crepuscular a.在晨曦时刻活动的 [ crepusculumtwilight(日出前的)微明,晓光;曙光;(较常指日落后的)黄昏,薄暮]
crestfallen a.垂头丧气的 [CREST鸡冠+FALLEN]
crevice n.裂缝;破口 [ crevace
cringe n.v.畏缩;奉承 [ crenge, crenche, cringan, crincan: CRANK脾气暴躁的
cringing 谄媚的;奉承的
cripple n.跛子;残废的 [ crypel, rel to CREEP 爬行,匍匐]
crisp a.脆的;活泼的 [ crispus curled卷曲]
criterion n.标准;定规 [ kriterion means of judging(cf CRITIC)]
crooked a.有钩的;弯曲的;秘密造的 [CROOK, prob after crook屈曲,弯曲部;曲柄拐杖]
cross a.不高兴的 [ cros kross cros crux cruc-]
crotchety a.思想奇怪的;怪僻的 [CROTCHET奇想;反复无常+-Y]crude a.未提炼的;生的;粗野 [ crudus raw, rough crudity 未成熟;生硬;粗杂;粗糙粗野的行为 (言辞)]
crumble v.粉碎;崩溃;灭亡 [ formed as CRUMB;The old wall is crumbling away]
at the edges 那道古墙的边缘逐渐崩塌
crunch v.嘎扎嘎扎的咬嚼;压碎[同scrunch earlier cranch, assim to munch用力嚼 A dog was ~ing on a bone一只狗在咯吱咯吱地啃着骨头]
crusade n.十字军;圣战;改革运动[earlier croisade(croix cross)or crusado(Sp cruz cross)crusader 十字军战士改革运动者 crusado(铸有 十字架之)葡萄牙古金币或银币]
crux n.紧要关头;要点 [ = cross("十字形")the ~ of a problem 问题的核心 cruzeiro巴西的货币单位(相当于美金 5.4 cents] [(1965))]
cryogenic a.低温的;低温学的[cryogen (化学)致冷剂;冷冻剂 cryo- (用于复合字中) 表"冰冷,严寒"之义,如: cryometer低温计 (内装酒精,而非水银)]
cryptic a.神秘的;隐藏的 [ crypticus kruptikos(CRYPTO-)]
cryptogram n.密码 [cryptogrammic 亦作cryptogammatic 密码的;暗号的;似密码或暗号的 crypto(复合用词)表示"隐的,秘密的"]
cuddle v.抚爱地怀抱;贴着身睡 [16th c: perh dial couth snug舒适的]
cuisine n.烹调;烹饪法 [ coquina coquere to cook]
culinary a.厨房的;烹调的 [ culinarius culina kitchen]
cull v.拣选;剔除 [ coillier etc colligere COLLECT]
culmination n.顶点;最高潮[the ~ of one's ambition 某人雄心 (抱负) 的极致 2(天文)通过子午线,中天 culminate 到达最高点 (极点,绝顶) ;达到最高潮 (极盛)]
culpable a.该受谴责的 [ culpabilis culpare culpa blame]
cultivate v.耕种 [med cultivare cultiva(terra)arable(land)(CULT)]
cultivating n.力求与人交往
cupidity n.贪婪 [ cupidite or cupiditas ]
curb n.马勒;控制 [ courber curvare bend, CURVE曲线;弯曲]
curmudgeon n.守财奴 [curly 鬈发的;卷曲的;卷缩的 curr(鸽、猫等)发咕咕声;发呜呜声 currant 小粒的无子葡萄干]
curry v.制革;曲意逢迎 [ correier ]
cursive a.草体的 [medL(scriptura)cursiva currere curs- run]
cursory a.匆促的;粗略的 [ cursorius of a runner(CURSOR计算尺游标)]
curtail v.缩短;缩减 [ courtault court short curtus: assim to tail]
cushion n.垫子;后腿肉;缓解 [ mattress, 拉丁"腰,臀"a ~ against inflation 缓解通货膨胀的政策]
The grass ~ed his fall 草坪缓和了他坠落时的撞积 pincushion(裁缝用)针垫
custody n.监护;保管 [ custodia custos -odis guardian custodian管理人;看守人,afterguardian]
cute a.聪明的;可爱的 [shortening of ACUTE敏锐的]
cyclopean a.巨大的 [独眼巨人 Cyclops(似)的;cyclopia(医)独眼畸形]
cynic n.愤世嫉俗;不信人间真情 [ cynicus kunikos ]
cynosure n.众人注目之的[ kunosoura dog's tail, Ursa Minor kuon kunos dog+oura tail cynosural引人注意的 cynocephalous 似狗头的;似犬面的]
cytology n.细胞学 [cyto-, cyt- 表"细胞"之义 cytologist 细胞学家 cytokinesis (细胞分裂时之)]
细胞浆移动;原浆移动] [cytochrome 细胞色素 cytogenous 细胞合成的]来源:考大
dabble v.涉足;浅赏 [16th c:Du dabbelen or DAB (用)轻敲,轻抚,轻按,轻敷,轻扑(with)(又作 dabhand)(英口语)好手;高手],[ 专家(at)]
dainty a.优美的;讲究的;好吃的 [ dainte, daintie, deintie dignitas-tatis dignus worthy]
dais n.讲台 [ deis discus disc, dish, in medL = table]
dally v.嬉戏;玩弄 [dalier chat dalliance戏弄;荒唐度日]
dampen v.弄湿;使消沉;挫锐气[dandified打扮得华丽的]
dangle v.悬摆 [16th c(imit): cf Sw dangla, Da dangle TANTALIZE逗弄]
dank a.阴湿的 [prob Scand: cf Sw dank marshy spot]
dapple v.使起斑纹 [ dappled, dappeld,(adj) dappled斑纹的,花的]
daredevil n.挺而走险的人;胆大的 [DARE大胆+DEVIL鬼]
dart v.投掷 [darz, dars,Frank]
dashing a.勇敢的;有活力的;华丽的 [DASH急冲;突进]
dastard n.懦夫 [dastardly 懦弱的;卑鄙的 das'tardliness(惯用法)dastardly的狭义用法指懦弱的行为,广义用法指可]鄙 [行为]
daubster n.笨画匠 [("涂石灰涂料")wattle and daub 拙劣的画 wattle 编枝条工艺 澳洲相思树]
daunt v.恐吓;使失去勇气 [ daunter, OF danter, donter domitare frequent of domare tame(undaunted不畏惧的)]
dauntless a.无所谓的;大胆的
dawdle v.怠惰;闲荡;浪费光阴 [perh rel to dial daddle, doddle idlea<人>没有工作的,不在工作的,闲散的 <时间>空的,闲着的 , dally] [浪费<时间>,蹉跎<时光>~ away the time 浪费时]
deadlock n.停顿;停滞 [DEAD+LOCK]
dearth n.缺乏;少 [ formed as DEAR]
debacle n.崩溃;瓦解 [( "开闩")]
debase v.贬低;降格 [DE-+obs base for ABASE]
debauch v.使堕落 [de+bauch(大梁BEAM)debauchery放荡,游荡;酒色]
debenture n.债券 [ debentur are owing debere owe: assim to -URE]
debilitate v.使衰弱;使虚弱 [ debilitare(DEBILITY)]
debonair a.和蔼的;快乐的 [ debonaire = de bon aire of good disposition]
debutante n.初入社交界的少女 [(进入社交界) DEBUT 初在舞台(社交界);初次登台 make one's ~ 初次登台]
decadence n.衰弱;颓废 [ decadence medL decadentia
decalogue n.十戒 [Decalogue deca十+logos 命令]
decamp v.撒营;逃走;逃亡 [ decamper(DE-, CAMP)]
decant v.慢慢倒出 [medL decanthare(DE-, canthus kanthos canthus, used ofthe lip of abeaker)]
deceit n.欺;诈欺;虚伪;奸诈 [ of deceveir decipere deceive(DE-, caperetake)DECEPTION.诈欺,瞒骗,迷惑,骗人的东西]
deciduous a.落叶性的 [ deciduus decidere cadere fall]
decimate v.毁掉大部分;由十中选一 [ decimare take the tenth mandecimus tenth]
decipher v.翻译;辨读;翻译密码
decompose v.分解(成分);腐烂 [ decomposer(DE-, COMPOSE)decomposition n]
decorum n.端正;礼貌合宜;礼节 [neut of decorus seemly DECORATION装饰;美化DECOROUS符合礼节的;相称的]
decoy n.引诱物;诱饵 [ de kooi the decoy de THE+kooi cavea cage]
decree n.v.法令;布告;判决 [ decre decretum neut pp. of decernere]
decide(DE-, cernere sift)]decrepit a.衰老的;破旧的 [ decrepitus(DE-, crepitus pp. of creparecreak)decrepitude衰老,老耄,老朽]
decry v.责难;轻视 [after F decrier: cf cry down]
dedicate v.奉献 [ dedicare(DE-, dicare declare, dedicate)]deducible a.可推知的 [deduce("往下引导")(从)演绎<结论、真理等>;推断,推测,推论(→ infer)Ldeducere (as DE-, ducere] [duct- lead)]
deed n.行为;契据;立契出让 [a ~ of covenant(经签名盖章的)条款,契据]
deem v.认为;视为 [ deman, rel to DOOM(常指坏的)命运;劫数;毁灭,死亡(上帝所下的)最后审判注定()(to) ~ed to] [oblivion 注定被遗忘]
deface v.伤毁(外表或美观) [ defacer desfacier(DE-, FACE)]
defalcate v.盗用公款 [med defalcare lop(DE-, falx -cis sickle)]
defamation n.诽谤;中伤 [DEFAME diffamer etc diffamare spread evilreport(DIS-, fama report)]
default n.不履行责任;缺席 [ defaut(e) defaillir fail Rmc(DE-, falleredeceive): cf FA]
defeatist a.失败主义者的 [defeatism 失败主义;失败主义的行动]
defect n.缺点;缺乏;背叛;脱离 [ defectus deficere desert, fail(DE-, facere do)defection背离;背叛;脱党]
deference n.服从;尊重 [ deference(DEFER)]
defiant a.大胆反抗的;傲慢的 [a ~ stare 挑衅的瞪视]
defile v.弄脏;亵渎 [ defiler and defile pp.(DE-, FILE 锉刀;锉子 (the~)修整,锉光;(对文章等的)润饰(纵)列]
definition n.定义;鲜明度;精确度 [ definitio(DEFINE)]
deflate v.放气;通货紧缩[DE-+INFLATE("吹入")(以空气、气体等)使鼓起(经济)使<物价等>上涨;使<通货>膨胀 deflated 灰心丧气的]
deflect v.使偏斜;使转向 [ deflectere(DE-, flectere flex-bend)deflection歪斜,偏;偏向]
defraud v.欺诈 [ defrauder or defraudare(DE-, FRAUD 诈欺,欺骗 骗子骗人的东西;伪品]
defunct a.死亡的;已倒闭的 [ defunctus dead, pp. of defungi(DE-, fungi perform)]
degenerate v.退步;衰败 [ degeneratus pp. of degenerare(DE-, genus -erisrace)]
degrade v.降级;使堕落;使退化 [ degrader]
deign v.屈尊;俯允 [ degnier, deigner, daigner dignare, -ari deem worthy dignus worthy]
deist n.奉自然神教者;理神论者 [theos god DEISM (神)自然神教]
dejected a.沮丧的,灰心的
delegate n.代表;委派;委任 [ delegatus(DE-, legare depute)]
deleterious a.有害的 [med deleteriusdeleterios noxious delete删除]
deliberate a.深思熟虑的;故意的 [deliberatus pp.of deliberare(DE-, librare weigh
delinquent a.n.怠忽职务的;流氓 [de+linqu同LINGER闲荡)DELICT犯罪 delinquency过失;失职]
delusion n.谬见;幻想 [ delusio(DELUDE)]
delve v.探究;查考;掘;凹下 [OE delfan]
demagogue n.群众煽动家 [ demagogos demos the people+agogos leading]
demean v.贬抑 [de+MEAN("普通的")卑鄙的,下流的]
demeanor n.行为;风度 [misdemeanor 轻罪]
demesne n.领域;私有土地 [ demeine(later demesne)belonging to alord dominicus(DOMINICAL主的;基督的)]
demise n.死亡 [ use of pp. of OF de(s)mettre DISMISS, in refl abdicate]
demolish v.破坏;粉碎;推翻(制度等)[ demolir demoliri(DE-,moliri molit-construct moles mass)]
demotic a.民众的;通俗的 [ demotikos demotes one of the people(demos)]
demur v.犹豫;抗议 [ demeure(n), demeurer(v) Rmc(DE-, L morari delay)]来源:考大
demure a.严肃的;端庄的 [perh demure demore pp. of demorer remain,stay(DEMUR): infl by OF me maturus ripe][ 水果、谷物>成熟的 烂熟的;圆熟的]
denigrate v.涂黑;玷辱 [ denigrare(DE-, nigrare niger black)]
denizen n.居民;入籍者 [ de from+intus within+-ein -aneus: -ANEOUS]
denomination n.名称 [ denomination or denominatio(DENOMINATE命名,取名.a.有特定之名称的)]
denotation n.(明示的)意义;指示 [(反)connotation (常 ~s)言外之意,含蓄,暗示,涵义(逻辑)内涵]
denouement n.结局;终场 [DE-, nodare nodus KNOT结]
denounce v.攻击;揭发;通知废止 [ denoncier denuntiare(DE-, nuntiare makeknown nuntius messenger)]
depict v.描述;叙述 [ depingere depict-(DE-, pingere paint)]
depilate v.去...之毛发 [depilare(DE-, pilare pilus hair)]
deplete v.使空虚;用尽 [ deplere(DE-, plere plet- fill)depletion n]
deplorable a.不幸的;可叹的