Originating in 1870, UNIVERSITY of BALLARAT (UB) is the third oldest educational institution in Australia. Its total enrolment on campus is about 20,000. UB graduates achieved four stars university in starting salaries in the country upon entering the workforce and in course satisfaction.
澳大利亚巴拉瑞特大学(UNIVERSITY of BALLARAT简称UB)创校于一八七○年,是澳洲三大历史最悠久的国立大学之一,全校学生近2万人.2007年澳洲教育部公布的对39所大学的评比中,UB大学[毕业生起薪点],学生对[课程满意度],[教学素质],[综合技能]均为四星级大学(最高五星)。
Approved by Guangdong Provincial Department of Education (No.12, 2000), Shenzhen Senior Professors Association introduced to Shenzhen the quality MBA program from School of Business, UNIVERSITY of BALLARAT in order to develop a generation of new millennium business leaders.
经省教育厅批准(粤教外[2000]12号),为了培养跨世纪经营管理人才,深圳老教授协会培训中心引进澳大利亚巴拉瑞特大学商学院课程计划,在深举办工商管理 硕士课程研修班。
This program has been also extended to Dong Guan (Dong Guan Institute of Technology), Guangzhou ( Sun Yet-Sen University), Beijing (China Federation of Industrial Economics), Shanghai (Shanghai Jiao tong University). The same program is offered in other cities such as Melbourne, Sydney, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and Paris
UB大学MBA项目已在中国北京(北京工业经济联合会)、上海(上海交通大学)、东莞(东莞理工学院)、广州(中山大学),香港(UIIE)成功举办多届 。
自1998年在香港开设课程以来,澳洲国立巴拉瑞特大学在中国MBA课程班的运营就像百米冲刺一样,一年一个台阶并呈“加速”状:2000年与老教授协会在深圳成立教学中心;2002年在北京与中国工业经济联合会强强联合;2003年与中山大学和福州大学开始合作办学;2004年与东莞理工学院合作开办双语MBA项目,同年11月上海交通大学 UB MBA正式开班,第一届、第二届已经参加UB大学在中国区的毕业典礼顺利毕业,目前已经是第三届在上课。迄今为止,在深圳已有十届学员毕业并获得巴拉瑞特大学商学院颁发的MBA学位证书;十一届 学生正在申请毕业;十二届,十三届,十四届正在就读;第十五届全英文班已经接受报名注册。
UB大学深圳全英文MBA班第十五届招生中(Enrollment for Intake 15)
Key Features of the Program 课程特色
1、 All subjects are delivered by UB faculty members in English and can be completed by 1.5-years
2、 Use the World latest textbooks and cases; enable students to master both English and business management skills at the same time
3、 Seminar times on weekends ;
4、 To confer to successful graduates the MBA degree which is the same as in Australia and recognised internationally
5、 Member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities to give its graduates the international recognition
6、 The Graduates are eligible to apply for the membership of the Australian Human Resource Institution [AHRI], the Australian Marketing Institute [AMI] and the Australian Institute of Management[AIM]
7、 The university status being certified by Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Chinese Consulate General to Melbourne |
U.B大学MBA深圳项目是澳洲国立大学重点海外推介教育项目。该项目经中国老教授协会特区分会引进,由深圳市教育局审核报批,受广东省教育厅批准(粤教外〔2000〕12号),连续五年通过广东省教育厅对管理类项目的年检。UB大学资历也经澳大利亚外交部和中国驻墨尔本领事馆所认证。UB大学MBA深圳研修班的承诺值得信赖。 …… 详情
Approved by Guangdong Provincial Department of Education (No.12, 2000), Shenzhen Senior Professors Association introduced to Shenzhen the quality MBA program from School of Business, UNIVERSITY of BALLARAT in order to develop a generation of new millennium business leaders. |
咨询电话:0755-83692700 地址: 红桂大厦11楼 巴拉瑞特
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